Wednesday, July 27, 2011

GOOGLE : Boon or Bane

Those were the days when we used to understand and mug up anything and everything, tried to search for the best, utilizing available resources;quizzing our elders till we got satisfied with their answers......

In Schools we were made aware of the fact that a human brain can store contents of a full library ......and the we just use 5% of our brain on average which indeed is very less in number. This piece of information ,though cannot make one to utilize 100% of his brain unless he/she is at the echelon of  "Stephen Hawking"(a great cosmologist).

Technology has always been a savoir for the people coming from different walks of life. With the intervention of GOOGLE in 1996 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin life has become much more easier.It has revolutionized our searching experience to a great extent. Now every sort of information is available at a click of a button, no matter where you are,whatever you do.  

Though Google is working persistently in improvising our searching experience, Google is being accused of causing memory loss to its regular users.
According to a research conducted by Columbia University it was revealed that individuals have made it their habit to rely on the internet for any piece of information rather than using their minds for it. No matter what ever the question is, we humans get the information by making just a few clicks.

Dr Sparrow, who was conducting the research, made a cluster of students and asked them to read and write a series of written statements. The purpose of the experiment was to test the reliance of students on the internet.
The students were told that some of the information they write will be erased while some of it will be stored on the computer.
Sparrow said that the people who thought that the information would be erased and they wouldn’t have access to it later stored it in their minds and were even able to recall it afterwards when asked.
Consequently, in another research Dr Sparrow instructed students that they could find the information they wrote. As a result of this, students remember the stored folder on the computer whereas forgot the actual piece of information stored in it.
Dr Sparrow concluded that when people constantly rely on the internet for information, they forget the main details of the item and only know where to find it on the internet.
Hence to conclude with this article I wud say that it totally depends on us how well we can utilize resources. SHARING one's knowledge with others could be solution for the people who completely rely on search engines.

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